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Product News

Product News

  • The application of 1470nm semiconductor laser in laser treatment of varicose veins

    The application of 1470nm semiconductor laser in laser treatment of varicose veins

    Varicose veins are a common peripheral vascular disease, with a prevalence of up to 15-20%. The symptoms of varicose veins are mainly manifested as leg heaviness and distension, redness and pain, and even severe ulcers, which do not heal for a long time, seriously affec...
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  • Han’s TCS 405nm leads laser direct imaging (LDI )

    Han’s TCS 405nm leads laser direct imaging (LDI )

    Maskless lithography can be realized by LDI,It has many advantages in imaging resolution,alignment accuracy, product yield ,automation and so on. Which is rapidly replacing traditional mask exposure production methods. Through LDI, 3D printing of materials such as polymer, ceramics can also be re...
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  • High power blue lasers lead welding industry

    High power blue lasers lead welding industry

    In recent years, fiber lasers have developed rapidly and are widely used for cutting and welding materials such as carbon steel and stainless steel. However, this NIR laser absorbs little when welding metal materials such as copper and gold, easily sputtering and have air holes, and requires a hi...
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  • In March 2022, Han’s TCS launched the 100W 405nm laser

    In March 2022, Han’s TCS launched the 100W 405nm laser

    In March 2022, Han’s TCS launched the 100W 405nm laser, which can be used in the laser direct imaging (LDI) industry to exponentially improve the processing efficiency of customers and create higher value for customers.In September 2021, in order to meet the customer’s demand for high...
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